The small rural town of Jesup, Georgia, would not usually be associated with gregarious art movements. However, one event has developed a strong following within the community and is making waves: the Game of shrooms jesup ga. It is a combination of fun, creativity, and socialization as this phenomenon, which is becoming a part of a global event that aims to promote the local artistic exploration for all ages, is mostly focused on uncovering small and mostly hidden artworks including mushrooms. Jesup has welcomed this movement with open arms and so has provided its residents and tourists with an interesting opportunity to interact with the local art in a more playful way.

What is Game of shrooms jesup ga?

As the name suggests, the Game of shrooms jesup ga is an event that happens annually and was created originally by artist Daniel Attaboy Seifert to stimulate interest in art by transforming the process of creating art into an exciting quest. One of the artists presents works in the form of mushrooms that are ‘hidden’ in places open to the public. Enthusiastic hunters, equipped with hints and an explorer’s spirit, find such pieces. The twist? ‘The’ work is yours for the taking once you find it!

The event has expanded to other regions in 2019 due to increased participation levels. More countries are adding participants hence the treasure hunt keeps growing in size. Initially, the Game of shrooms jesup ga was limited to large urban cities with developed art scenes, but now this charm is moving to Jesup, GA and smaller towns, allowing locals to experience the global range of art and fun.

Why Jesup, GA?

Jesup, Georgia is very small located in Wayne County this town unites people with a common goal. This is the town where you boast of the past and the local customs. The Game of shrooms jesup ga is just in keeping with this ethos, as it brings together local artists, businesses and residents.

The Game of shrooms jesup ga brings some fresh shaking up to Jesup, which is a social function designed for the purposes of art, discovery, and creativity. It also opens opportunities for artists, whether professional or not, to express themselves and interact with the society in ways that do not depend on conventional galleries or exhibitions. For the visitors of the event, it also spices up the proceedings and involves them in a more like treasure hunt, people are free to roam around Jesup looking for pieces of art placed in unexpected nooks and crannies.

How does the game work?

On the appointed day, all over Jesup, community members are invited to make mushroom-themed artwork including painting, sculpture, ceramic art and drawing among others from several artistic works. The artists then go out and conceal the works in created place holders spread out across the city of Jesup.

During the course of the treasure hunt, the participants take up the mainstream social platforms, more so Instagram, to search for the various artworks that have been concealed. They upload such images under such hashtags as #Game of shrooms jesup ga or #shroom drop and give hints such as enclosing images of art pieces within an actual location. Such hints are however not very consistent, sometimes they are rather direct and at other times hints require on the ground knowledge and reasoning to appreciate.

The quest is underway, as both residents and tourists seek the hidden art pieces scattered in the parks, open areas and the central part of Jesup. Participants may take home a piece of the collection, thus amassing a very interesting collection of mushroom art.

The Participation of Local Artists and Businesses

Jesup’s Journey in the Game of shrooms jesup ga  has led to engagements between artists and businesses. A lot of the local artists who might not have had a chance to showcase their work are now able to showcase their work in a more active way. The event showcases the artistic capacity of the city while providing these artists with the opportunity of exposure.

The Peru Quest local community in Jesup has taken the game as well by funding local artists, funding prizes or providing reproduCTIONS OF ART or strategically placing them within and outside businesses. This further enhances the fun of the treasure hunt since participants have to go to the shops, restaurants and other venues in search of those business collaborations. These tie ups enhance the mutuality of the local area and help in revitalizing the regional economy.

An Event Optimal for Families

Game of shrooms jesup ga is an event fit for everyone, with participation from all ages. The thrill of the adventure brings families out in Jesup in a manner they wouldn’t have done before encouraging family fun, critical thinking and an appreciation of the local art. It is worth noting that children are often the most excited about being on a treasure hunt even in the case when the treasure is hidden in the town where they live.

There are more gimmicks for the contestants, celebrities or visitors because of the mushroom theme. Mushrooms, with their different forms, colours and interpretations, make great arts. However, no matter how real or abstract, big or small, the mushroom-themed art installations scattered in Jesup draw the interest of participants and turn the city into an art playground.

An Evolving Culture

The Game of shrooms jesup ga is a new event game in Jesup, but it becomes more and more popular every season. Year after year, more and more artists take part in the event, and more and more people appear among the artists geographically. This is something all segments of society regardless of social class, employment status or knowledge of art can appreciate because it allows the public to interact with the world of fine art through an engaging treasure hunt at a whole new level.

Judging by the increasing attention, the Game of Shrooms is becoming a proper highlight in the event calendar of the Jesup for both the townspeople and the visitors. Last year’s success depends on how effectively they are able to unite people through art and a cooperative approach to the problem, so that this activism would create positive memories for the participants and a better community in Jesup.


As it goes, the Game of shrooms jesup ga has turned out to be a wonderful integration of the culture in Jesup Georgia and has literally made the town an open gallery of artistic quests. It looks like the dream of the event organizers, which revolves around creativity, teamwork and participation of the community, is becoming a reality thanks to growing popularity of the activities. Leaving aside whether you are an artist, a resident or just visiting the place, the Game of shrooms jesup ga presents a diverse approach to the players to experience Jesup and in. It Helps the Artists to promote local Arts culture in the process.

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